Dogs currently fostered by Heart Bandits and available to adopt - click here!


Closed Cases:Closed Cases:
American Eskimo dogA022028
San Clemente Dana Point
221 Avenida Fabricante
San Clemente, CA 92672
(949) 492-1617
Closed Mon
Tu/Th/Fri/Sat 10-4
Wed 10-7
Sun 12-3
11/1311/1312/31adoptedlabeled an eskie
approx 1 1/2 years old
11/14 Barbara writes: "just called and they are closed Monday. w/call back tomorrow re Blitz.
11/16 Barbara writes: "Arrived at shelter on 13th.. .no info, no eval as yet, strayhold til the 18th when he will be evaluated, so should call back then.
11/18 Barbara writes "Named Blitz at shelter, they give all strays a name! Blitz it a "typical young, spirited American Eskimo, needs training." About 1-1/2 to 2 yrs old, health good, no weight, but "larger than a mini, but not a standard, somewhere between." (The person I spoke to apparently knows Eskies and she asked me if I was familiar with Eskies, I said "yes.") Blitz is available to the public to adopt today, and asked if I was going to come in to see Blitz, so I said I would convey this info to the rescue org I was calling for. She said that any rescue group should call them for more details about rescue. I said he sounds lovely, and she agreed that he is!
11/20 posted ad looking for a foster OrangeCountyPet
11/29 Barbara says: "Blitz is still at shelter. He was neutered on the 21st, so again available from the 22nd. Lots of interest in him, no holds. All there is for now.
12/1 Pet Project is running an ad for Blitz
12/10 Barbara reports Blitz is still there
12/12 Barbara reports: Called & spoke to Melissa, who says Blitz is still there, available, and in no danger, He weighs in at 19.5 lbs. "we have an interest in him." I asked about their shelter, which is NO KILL, and Melissa says their dogs are probably treated better than their own personal dogs. They have cots in the kennels, a play yard, and a lot of volunteers. Pet Project is their own volunteer organization, and Melissa says their shelter is probably one of the best anywhere. "It's a happy place." Made my heart happy to hear all of this.
12/13 LoriP adds "Nobody is a No Kill no matter what they tell you!  If space becomes an issue they will start to kill the doggies that have been their the longest. They may keep them longer than most shelters but in the end they too must kill.
12/27 will be receiving a foster application later today
12/30 Foster lead still has not submissted their foster application
12/31 Blitz's listing is down
1/3 Shelter returned my call.  "Adopted to a nice family."
Seeaca Downey11/2112/2512/27adoptedSays Pom mix.  Pom tails do not uncurl.  Nose is longer than a typical Pom's and shorter than a typical Eskie's.  I think a PomEskie mix.
Record says "Nov.21 from Pico Rivera, availability date Nov.29"
12/27 On Dec 8 was transferred to AdoptAndShop!  Seaaca sends all their cutest, best-behaved dogs over there, so yay.  Seaaca's sent about 4 eskies over there and they all got adopted so we don't have to worry about this one for now.
12/31 Listing down, contact to find out why
12/31 adopted Dec27
American Eskimo dog - seniorA1024563
Orange County12/2512/2712/31owner pickuplabeled an eskie
stray, spayed
12/27 heart murmur
12/29 listing gone. call to find out why
12/31 owner pickup 12/28
West Valley12/912/1212/31adoptedlabeled a pom
LoriP says eskipom
11 pounds, spayed
12/12 Barbara reports "This is gonna choke you up. This 11 year old little 11 lb. spayed "Lady" Eskiepom is an owner surrender who attendant said first "had no time for her" then looked further and said has severe dental problems, may be deaf and may be blind--in one eye. No review date as of now, and available.
12/16 Barbara reports "Still there, review date was Dec14...nothing else on file.
12/17 Barbara writes: I called W Valley--20655 Plummer St, off 118, Chatsworth--and got the direct line for the Supervisor, Mr. Rios, 818.756.9325, who will be there tomorrow, Sunday. Spoke to Oliver, Acting Sup., who took my name and number for an IP.
12/20 Still there, no hold is on the dog.
12/21 Listing is down this evening. Need to call to learn why
12/21 Barbara wrote on Facebook this evening that this doggie got adopted, but I haven't gotten an email from her about it:
Sue Smith writes - Barbara, did Lady the senior deaf/ partially blind eskie find a foster or adopter? I am working hard on a friend...
Barbara Fysh replies - Jumping for JOY, Lady was adopted this afternoon by a private party ... HAPPY DANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
12/31 I phoned shelter... Adopted on Dec21
American Eskimo Dog
American Eskimo dog
A4378482-m Baxter
(818) 991-0071
12/2212/2212/30HB rescuedlabeled eskies
Baxter is male, SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD. not neutered.
Taylor is female, ELEVEN YEARS OLD. not spayed.
No health notes on the file (yet) - will have to call back tomorrow.
due out date Dec 28
12/22 eskie alert sent out
12/22 LoriP reports: "Taylor is blind and relies on Baxter for guidance.  Baxter has a prostate problem.  The shelter would like to euth Baxter but not Taylor, but if they euth Baxter, then Taylor will not have a guide dog."
BudBud's Facebook discussion
12/24 ran fosterhome ad VenturaPets
12/27 LoriP writes "I have placed a hold on these two but shelter is real antsy to get them out.  I don't know how long we can hold them off."
12/30 HB rescued
1/9 These two are now in Fresno for their 'senior sanctuary' happy-homes retirement plan
Riverside12/1312/1412/22rescued HBlabeled a pom, but I think it's an eski mix
12/17 Barbara writes: "Office closed, left msg. on Sue's answ. service for call back."
12/16 Facebook discussion - Lori Rich will help with transport, Daniela pledges pull fee
12/22  teeth in bad shape - needs dental.  Good behavior-wise. Being kenneled with other dogs.  Due out date 12/24.
12/22 Riverside County Animal Services wrote on Facebook: "This dog is OWNED. Dec. 24th marks the first day that he could be reviewed by the public for ADOPTION. Animal Services employees have been reaching out to its owner (we have license information on this dog); We have also mailed information to the dog's OWNER. If the owners do not come to adopt, we will, of course, work with rescue groups. Thanks for your concern for this pet and all our homeless pets."
12/24 ran fosterhome ad OrangeCountyPet.  Resulted in an inquiry and approved foster application.  Now trying to find funding for the vet costs. Calling him Teddy for a moment to start a chipin
12/29 New HeartBandits Fostermom pulled him from shelter today and named him Casper.  He will be Casper From Riverside to distinguish him from Casper from BaldwinPark.
9777 Seaaca St
Downey CA 90241
(562) 803-3301 then 4
Phone hours: Mon 8-5
Tue-Fri 8-6, Sat 8-5
Closed Suns
Viewing hours different
11/2511/2812/24adoptedLabeled an eskie mix
Seaaca continues to have the worst camera and take the worst pictures of any so-cal shelter.  With their camera, fur always looks extremely yellow and we have sometimes found later that a dog was actually white... so don't trust the colors on Seaaca pics. - Hopefully this dog might go to AdoptAndShop; the last two cute eskie-mixes they had got adopted that way...
12/1 Barbara reports: "Dog was picked up in Pico Rivera after someone called to report it. It was wearing a harness and matching collar. This shelter does not do med/health exam until date available unless animal exhibits a health/injury problem. Color noted is tan and white. No other stats avail. until tomorrow.  The Adoption Mgr., Vicki Hernandez, decides what dogs to place with Adopt and Shop, but she is away on vacation this week and probably next week. SEAACA services 14 cities in the area.
12/3 Barbara reports "Frank, Shelter Supt., says dog just got back from being neutered and is, weighs about 15-20 lbs."
12/6 Barbara reports still there
12/10 Barbara left msg asking Vicki if this dog could go to Adopt&Shop outlet.
12/12 Sheryl reports there's a pending adoption application and shelter says we can call back on the 17th to see if that worked out
12/17 Barbara writes "Dog is still there. Adoption has not materialized, so dog is available to anyone today.
12/18 AdoptAPet Listing is down ... need a call done to find out why
12/20 Doggie is still there.  I left a msg for the adoption manager asking them to please put back up the dog's AdoptAPet listing.  For now I have switched our link to the Petfinder listing.
12/23 AdoptAPet listing is back up
12/24 Petfinder and AdoptAPet listings are both down tonight
12/24 adopted
Kern Bakersfield, of course. It seems to be where all the pinknose eskies are coming from.

Kern shelter requests that rescues do NOT call. Email ...include animal ID#s and keep the email brief.
11/2711/2712/27adoptedlabeled a longhair chi
LoriP says eskie-chi
5 months old. not neutered.
11/28 Barbara writes "asked for callback re this 5 mos. old M, eskie/chi mix.
11/29 Kern replied via email:
"A877309 M - no holds, healthy. Thanks, Sally"
12/1 I sent 2nd email asking if neutered
12/1 Shelter emailed back "Good with other dogs, weighs 5lbs 11oz."
12/2 Shelter emailed "877309 healthy and in need of rescue. Can be picked up now." ....I have no idea why they say he's in need of rescue. They didn't say anything specific about the dog being unadoptable; isn't the dog adoptable? sigh.
12/12 Kern emailed to Sheryl: "He is in our adoption center with a rescue hold. Thanks, Sally"
12/20 I emailed Kern for an update
12/20 Shelter responds: "877309 has an adopt int."  That's all they wrote.
12/22 Listing is down tonight.
12/27 Sent email asking for outcome.
12/27 Shelter emailed back, says Adopted
Baldwin Park
(626) 962-3577
12/1012/2112/26transferredlabeled a brown (?!) pom chi, but LoriP says eskie
3 yrs old, neutered, 8 pounds, GOOD WITH CATS
Facebook Discussion
VIDEO Video description: "Benjamin is a calm three year old who was dumped with his companion Hawkeye at the Baldwin Park shelter on December 10th because his former owner moved and made no provisions for his dogs. He was too frightened to walk on leash so we can't tell how much training he has had. He likes other dogs and he is good with cats. Benjamin is a silky little lapdog searching for a lap. Benjamin will be the perfect indoor pet for anyone in any living situation, and would be exceptionally happy to keep a senior company. [Hawkeye no longer in the available listings.]
12/22 Neutered yesterday! Now back in Kennel 247.
12/24 LoriP reports "Believe it or not = before we could do anything Blake has reported from her source at the shelter that they shipped this guy over to Virginia to the SPCLA (I think). We need to contact our VA Chapter and see if they can follow up."
Lorelei asks: Why would they do a big transport of this dog 1 day after neutering surgery?!
12/24 I've found ten different official shelters in Virginia.  This is like a needle in a haystack.  How can anyone figure out where the dog went!
12/24 Listing is down tonight
12/26 "Rescued" according to Baldwin Park's Facebook tracking page
American EskimoA512761
Big Bear (San Bernardino)
(909) 866-4943
12/1212/1412/27adoptedlabeled an eskie
4 years old
12/17 Barbara reports:  Strayhold since Dec 12th, available for adoption today Dec17. No notes. Review date was today. "It's a smaller shelter, so they can keep them there longer." phone clerk said.
12/22 listing gone this morning, need to call
12/27 adopted on the 21st
Orange County12/2112/2212/27adoptedmixstrays
cocker spaniel/eskie mixes
female is 8 months old and white
male is 1 yr old and tan, has some white fur mixed in.  Maybe these are actually mixed with something other than eskie.
12/27 both listings are down this morning
12/27 both adopted on Dec 26
Wet American Eskimo dogA1140228
Orange County12/1212/1412/22adoptedlabeled an eskie
stray. 3 years old or so. not fixed. less than 25 pounds.
12/20 no notes about behavior or health.  "Normal healthy dog."
Read the Facebook discussion
Other Facebook listing
12/22 listing down this morning, need to call
12/22 adopted 12/21
American Eskimo to adoptA0920413
(951) 358-7387
12/1512/1812/21owner pickuplabeled an eskie mix
3 years old
12/21 listing down in the evening - need to find out why
12/21 owner pickup - but 3rd escape!  Has it dawned on the owner that one of these times, this dog's going to get hit by a car instead of showing up at the shelter?  Better figure out how to stop doggie from escaping!
American Eskimo Dog to adopt4073544-R158425

Kennel 15
Ramona "Humane"
690 Humane Way
San Jacinto CA 92582
(951) 654-8002
11/2812/112/12adoptedowner surrender
1 year old
approx 20 pounds, unspayed
This facility holds approx. 400 animals and they state each animal's time is limited.
12/1 Barbara writes 'Turned in by owner who said "didn't get along with his/her other dogs and couldn't afford."  Available now. No health problems. No review date set for now. Changes depending on health status and how crowded they get, and if dog seems "adoptable." Dog in kennel with another dog and they seem OK with each other and staff. Not aggressive. San Jacinto is near Hemet CA'
12/3 Barbara reports "Dottie, American Eskimo, still there, OK with kennel mate, OK with people per clerk, who went back to see her, reports 23 lbs. No other changes."
12/5 ran an online ad looking for fosterhomes
12/6 Barbara reports "Dottie is still there, new info: was brought in 11/28 and actually it was the owner's other dogs that didn't get along with Dottie. Dottie was the daughter of one of his dogs and kept attacking Dottie, so he didn't want her to be suffering like that, and also couldn't afford to keep her. This shelter only euth's when they get full and then they euth the dogs that have been there the longest and who are deemed not adoptable. Dottie seems OK for now"
12/10 Barbara reports: Dottie is still there; someone started the adoption process and filled out a contract over the phone, but hasn't come in yet, and they would like to give that person an opportunity to complete. So w/call back next day or two to check.
12/12 Barbara reports "Dottie is still there, available to public, no review date. OK for now.  Re the adoption app from the 10th, They said it had not been finished, so dog is available to public, dog no longer being held for the phone app as not completed."
12/17 Barbara writes "Adoption fell thru, Dottie is still there, available to public, no review date. OK for now.
12/18 Listing is down late night... need a call to ask why
12/18 adopted
Lancaster12/1612/1812/20adoptedlabeled a pom mix
I haven't heard back from LoriP yet but am adding it to the chart because Kim likes these cute little doggies
2 years old
12/18 Listing down late night, need a call to find out why.  Sheryl says she'll call.
12/20 Call ctr says adopted on Dec 18
American Eskimo dogA4374454
Baldwin Park12/1412/1412/18owner pickuplabeled an eskie
2 years old or so
12/15 evening - listing gone - need a call to check why
12/17 Sheryl says Ric will let her know
12/18 Sheryl reports: # A4374454 that was listed with Baldwin was returned to owner according to Ric"
Kennel 12
Corona11/2311/2712/13rescued HBlabeled an eskie mix
3 years old, unneutered, about 16 lbs
LoriP says may be a toy, depending on size/weight
11/30 Barbara says: "Has been there about a week"
12/1 OCPoundHounds is trying to find a foster for this one; they've nicknamed him Ice and are running two ads. They write: "This little guy is a fun and described as very sweet by the shelter staff! He is good with other dogs and loves to be petted!"
12/5 Ran an ad looking for a fosterhome
12/6 Barbara reports still there
12/8 OCPoundHounds has updated their ad trying to find a foster, now they're calling him FluffyButt.  VIDEO
12/10 Barbara reports the clerk told her "He's been available since November 30th, so he needs a home."
12/13 Barbara reports: Spoke to James, has been AVAILABLE since Nov 30 and time is running out on him, James said. "If you're interested you should get down here right away." So I put an IP on him with my name and # and Lori's also as backup. Told James we are looking for a foster home for him...will FB him now, too. Gosh, he's cute.
12/15 Barbara writes: "Brigitte from Corona just called me and said she also spoke with Lori, who said to also call and let me know...they "are getting packed" so looks like he has to have CTA by Saturday at closing (he has to be neutered) to save him. They are closed on Fridays but Brigitte will be there and we can call her to CTA and make arrangements Friday or Sat. at 951.736.2309.
I can call her as soon as I hear back from you, as no PID or any other number is needed to do what is needed. Just let me know. You LA people must know that Corona is near Riverside.  I'll re-post this guy and Acorn on FB again...
12/16 OC Poundhounds writes: "Thank you for contacting us.  We are trying to find a foster local to Orange County - this dog needs a lot of socialization and we need this person to be near our Trainer for support.  Without a foster we cannot do anything to help this dog.  We are aware he is on borrowed time and could be euthanized any day."  OCPH is now calling the dog Tofu.
12/17 LoriP pulled this doggie today
12/22 Lori details his personality: "Shorty is quirky. He's good with people, he's friendly, not aggressive, but he's never been loved nor been in a loving home, hasn't been cuddled or petted.  If you reach for him he runs away.  He runs away from being leashed, though will give in somewhat once he's leashed.  Any foster must go slow because he seems to be figuring life out right now. Toy-borderline-Mini."
San Diego/Bonita
5821 Sweetwater Road
Bonita, CA 91902
(619) 263-7741
T-Sat 9:30-5:30
Closed M, Sun
10/1310/2512/13rescued HBlabeled a "tan american eskimo"?
1year old, unneutered, 18lbs
10/24 Eskie alert sent out
11/1 LoriP writes: "Kathryn - can you please call SD-Bonita and check on this guy and also report back to me?
11/12 Lori writes: "San Diego- Acorn no movement on him and not networking as of yet.   I don't believe shelter has been called either."
11/15 LoriP writes: "Just spoke with the SD-Bonita shelter about ACORN and they have put my name on him and he is still available at the shelter to the public.  There are no medical notes on him so he is perceived to be healthy but there is also no shown interest by the community either.  Shelter will call me if he becomes in danger in meantime we should try to network him as best as we can.  As you all know you can't rely on what the shelters tell us.
11/20 posted ad looking for a foster
11/29 Barbara says: "Acorn is still there, not neutered until adopted. Acorn is in cage by himself. They only double up when they get crowded. No end date noted. He has some kind of skin condition, inflammation or maybe flea allergy; being treated. Looks like it is getting better from picture; however phone clerk was not in the shelter, just reading notes. I asked if there was a note to call someone if he is in danger and she said there was a note from a rescue but it was not Heart Bandits, and of course, she could not confirm Lori's name...could not give any other info about that.
12/2 Barbara reports: "Acorn is still there, and his skin condition is cleared up. No more meds, but will probably need to be treated periodically. No due out date, clerk says he'll be there until he's adopted."
12/6 Barbara reports still available
12/10 Barbara reports: Acorn is still there. Clerk says, "I don't know why he's still here, he's so cute." But she says he is in cage by himself because "he was a little bit feisty with his kennel mates." They are now crowded enough to be doubled up in cages and also, they like that better, if they get along, because they can sleep together.
12/13 Barbara reports: Acorn is still there. At first the attendant said he would be kept "indefinitely."  I asked if there was a "Lifesaver" (as they call it) noted on the file and the Elizabeth said there wasn't, then I said I would like to put one, as my info was that Lori P. was listed. She asked if it was a rescue group and I said it was Heart Bandits AED Rescue. Then Elizabeth looked further and said she found it but it was in the wrong place, so she noted Lori Pasch and ph. # 213.200.5158 to be called if Acorn gets in danger.
12/17 Pulled by LoriP, Lori says it turns out this is not an eskie, but a tiny ORANGE dog with beautiful GOLD eyes.
12/26 LoriP reports that Acorn is just fine with other dogs. No problem.
American Eskimo dog - adoptableA4372748
5210 West Avenue I
Lancaster, CA 93536
(661) 940-4191
12/912/1212/12adoptedlabeled an eskie mix
3 yrs old, not neutered, stray, health ok
12/12 Denise writes to Blake: "Note says he may go to the adoption center so he must be a nice boy."
12/12 Barbara reports: DUE OUT DATE DEC.16
12/12 LoriP says "Lets make sure we stay on top of these two as Lancaster is very high kill!
12/12 Lorip notes "Lets keep an eye on this boy - he is soooo cute!  Don't want to let him get put down.
12/12 Barbara reports: "Lancaster NO KILL HOLDS Put on A3144750 and & A4372748. both had due out dates of 12/16, talked to Eddie who didn't quibble about a number or anything else. Gave both Lori P's name and number, 213.200.5158 and for back-up my name and number, 760.536.4349.  Now, just in case I get a call, what should I do?"
12/15 Barbara writes: "Officer Perez just told me this guy looks "placeable" so they are not necessarily going to put him down tomorrow; the DUE OUT date of 12/16 is the date he will be evaluated.  They DO have Lori's and my names on him for a call when/if they decide to have him PTS, which means a call with "a couple hours notice to pull him."
12/16 While Lorelei was pulling Lady from this shelter, saw this male 4372748 leaving the building with adopter.
-A539039Ventura County Animal Services
Camarillo, CA

?12/1212/15adoptedwas labeled a cocker spaniel chihuahua mix, but Lori says probably eskie plus spaniel or sheltie
We didn't even get this dog listed on the chart before the official listing vanished!  We need to know what happened to this dog.  Was labeled "Cocker Spaniel Ella" in one version of the listing.
12/12 Sheryl reports: "Tried to call but they do not give info over the phone at all?!!! Go figure that one.. contact only through website at Isn t that just wonderful."
FOUND AN EMAIL ADDRESS  does someone have time to send them a brief note inquiry
12/15 Gina reports: "UPDATE: this CUTIE PIE was adopted on Saturday,  Dec10!! So that is WONDERFUL news!   They are closed on Mondays. " Gina adds "I have had a 100% success rate with the Ventura County Shelter when making an inquiry. Anytime you need one, please email me and let me know. I just called after seeing Sheryl s note and was given a status on this boy. I go in with an approach and they have seen me several times and I ALWAYS identify myself so when I call and say Hi, this is Gina are you? Can you give me a quick status? .  Just a tip.. 
Long Beach11/2911/3012/1adoptedlabeled an eskie mix
LoriP says eskie mixed with sheltie or collie
3 months old
They should call this girl "Bandit". .Look at that cute mask.
12/1 Barbara writes "Stray Hold. Found by Animal Control on West side of Long Beach. 3-4 mos. old, 7.9 lbs., appears to be healthy. If adopted from SPCA they spay at 2 lbs., otherwise spay done at 6 mos.
Available at 10 a.m. Dec. 7th.
12/10 Barbara reports: Dog was transferred to SPCA/LA with their #12-01381 on Dec. 7th and was adopted same day.  Yay.
American Eskimo DogA299203
Pasadena Humane12/312/312/9reclaimed by owner12 years old
Re Pasadena "Humane", Lori has written previously: "They still are a kill shelter but with lower numbers.  They tend to hold onto them longer but still need rescues to step in when a dog has been there too long.  We taken several dogs from them before."
12/6 Barbara reports "Eskie/Pom mix 'something like that,' said attendant.
Dog came in as stray on 12/3, available 12/8. Has quite a lot of tartar but most of her teeth are missing. Had some discomfort in her abdomen when vet examined her and was uncooperative. No. wt. There is one IP. They take 3 names.
12/8 Barbara reports: reclaimed by owner.
American Eskimo DogA1266932
East Valley
14409 Vanowen Street
Van Nuys, CA 91405
(888) 452-7381 - 1 - 4 - 5*
Closed Mondays
Tue,W,Th,Fri,Sat 8-5
Sun 11-5
rescued HBlabeled an eskie
TWELVE YEARS OLD but still has some energy! neutered, 22pounds
11/20 ran an ad looking for a fosterhome
11/25 Barbara reports: "Dog came in a stray with microchip registered to a Las Vegas Vet Clinic, no owner name so they are checking with that clinic before dog would be available to adopt to try to locate owner. However, poor 12 year old guy has severe dental disease and open ulcerative masses between shoulder blades and also on face below eye, rather in mouth, all of which they are treating. So does not look good. On hold for now. Said they are treating urgent stuff, but would not do much more for a 12-year old dog...I didn't ask what else there may be that is NOT urgent, given the circumstances
11/28 East Valley is going through dog intake overload at the moment.
11/29 NOW AVAILABLE TO ADOPT.  Barbara reports "I had called earlier several X and kept getting dropped off of hold.  They contacted the Vegas clinic and got no info re owner name.  He's in ISO in the medical area now, getting oral med. NOT on alert and no further info re a review date.
11/30 posted an ad seeking a fosterhome
12/1 LoriP writes "If Michael wants to network this dog and see if he can find a place for him to go, medical problems and all, Blake can place an IP on him."
12/1 East Valley is way over capacity. They euth'd 17 dogs today but are still 40+ dogs over capacity.  Many more dogs with be euth'd Dec.2
12/2 staff says this dog is a LOVEBUG and in spite of his years is peppy!
12/2 Barbara writes "Cloud is still available today, and is still in ISO. No change in condition noted on file. No review or due out date noted.
12/3 Kim sent out an eskie alert
12/4 Facebook thread page 1 page 2 page 3
12/5 Sheryl will call today and ask the shelter if they will do a temperament test for us. We need to know if Cloud is okay with kids, dogs, cats, and test for aggression issues.
12/5 Shelter doesn't do a general temperament test for us, but Sheryl reports "They will do a evaluation for cats IF someone can come into the shelter. They can walk him through the cat room with the evaluator. Good with other dogs. Not sure of children and they don't normally allow kids back in the kennel.s"
12/7 Pulled by HB with assist from ResQPet.  Spending tonight at the vet's for evaluation. Contact during vet stay: Michael. For post-vet: Jessica, Kim
1/9 Cloud is in Fresno getting chemo for his tumors and doing okay
Rescue Only
San Bernardino - Devore11/2912/212/5
rescued4 years old
Will come available Dec 4
Facebook discussion
12/2 Barbara reports "Shelter says she is in kennel w/2 roommates. Healthy, details not available about weight.
12/2 Devore is over capacity right now. They are euth'ing AHEAD of due-out dates.
12/2 Barbara reports "just now calling Devore, dog available to rescue only as it was exposed to parvo. In kennel now w/3 other dogs, the dog that had the disease either died or was PTS. SO all 3 dogs in the same kennel have all been exposed to it. Incubation period is 10 days and if dog were rescued, it w/have to be isolated for the remaining days and then tested.
12/5 Petharbor listing has vanished.  We need a call made to find out what happened.
12/5 Sheryl reports: Rescued by another organization on Dec.4
909 931 4185
M-Tu, Fri 12-5:30
W-Th 12-7
Sat/Sun 10-3:30
11/2211/3011/30adoptedlabeled a pom mix. LoriP says probably an eski mix
1 yr old
11/30 Barbara writes "Dog is being neutered today, was first available the 28th, again avail. tomorrow, Dec. 1st.  Was brought in, found by someone, not owner.
12/3 Barbara writes: "Olar reports he was just adopted today!  Yaaayyyy!!!"
BaldwinPark11/811/2812/1adoptedcorgi/terrier mix
added to this tracking list anyway because he is eskie-ish and we received a request to track him
3 years old
11/28 posted ad looking for fosters
11/28 Barbara reports: "dog was on stayhold until Nov 15th, and has been available for adoption since then. A rescue (HB?) is networking and now has due out date of Dec. 6th, when it can be euth'd. at any time.
11/29 Barbara writes: "10pm UPDATE Re: Baldwin Park - Clyde, A4363121
Spoke to after-hours phone clerk who said Clyde is being networked by Best Friends Transport. I asked if that meant he was not available for adoption and he said, he guessed that he was available but that the vet was looking at him, and I should call back at 9 in the morning to find out what was the problem. Clyde is out of the general population and in the medical area. Will call in the morning.
11/30 I have added more pics of this dog because the blue-background pic is misleading. In most pics and video this dog doesn't look very eski-like.
11/30 Barbara writes "Clyde was seen by the vet for Kennel Cough.
12/1 Barbara reports "Clyde is still there. Not picked up yesterday and no other info or hold on him.  Weight 10 lbs. No Kennel Cough today. Due out (PTS) date still Dec 6."
12/2 Barbara reports "Adopted today 4pm"
Pasadena11/1011/3011/30rescuedlabeled pom mix. LoriP says could have eski in her.
possibilities: pom/eski/longhair chi etc
11/30 LoriP writes "They still are a kill shelter but with lower numbers.  They tend to hold onto them longer but still need rescues to step in when a dog has been there too long.  We taken several dogs from them before."
11/30 Barbara reports: "11/30 Pasadena HS     A298301
Video on PHS listing: "So cute, very calm, sweet, likes being petted, wants to curl up with someone..."
Neutered. Very small, maybe 6 lbs. Has heavy tartar, so maybe bad teeth, brought in by someone as a stray. Seems a little nervous, in cage alone, but not aggressive. Has been to a mobile event, which they have nearly every weekend. May go again. OK with other animals and people.
This Humane Society shelter services 7 local areas/cities...The adoption center person could not tell me what authority they operate under, didn't seem to know what I was asking."
12/2 Barbara reports: "dog has gone to Mutt Shack Rescue who will find an adoptive home.
Kern Bakersfield
M-Sat 10-4
Closed Sun
Kern shelter requests that rescues do NOT call. Email ...include animal ID#s and keep the email brief.
11/2211/2712/2adoptedlabeled a pom mix
LoriP says let's track even though only the face is eskie
 1 yr old
11/28 Barbara writes: "Office hrs are M-Sat 10-4 and closed Sun.
Recorded msg. only so I left my DHS SoCal phone # for a call back and asked for status and as much info as they could give, so far have not had a call back today, now 3:45 pm.
11/29 Kern replied via email: "A877080 F - no holds, healthy. Thanks, Sally"
11/30 listing is missing tonight, could be a database reload, will recheck Thurs morn
12/1 listing is definitely gone. need a call to learn outcome
12/1 Sheryl has emailed them to ask.
12/2 adopted
mixA1142755Orange County12/2212/241/2ptslabeled an eskie/shetland sheepdog mix - LoriP says track
3 years old
12/27 not able to scan for microchip due to temperament!
dont even know gender yet -- they can't examine!
12/31 tried to bite, nothing decided yet, they still don't know gender, call back Jan 2 or later
1/1 strayhold expired.  euthanized for aggression
American Eskimo dog
American Eskimo
5210 West Avenue I
Lancaster, CA 93536
(661) 940-4191
12/912/912/12rescued but pts
labeled an eskie
10 years old, spayed
owner surrender
owner said Lady "might" have cancer
see shaved front left left - appears to have had an IV or somesuch
12/12 Barbara notes: "Lady still there, there is NOT a NO KILL HOLD on her. Talked to Lancaster directly. Cage 729. Attendant tells me to do this must be partner w/LA CO and have number...but probably waiting to see if there is any response to the Eskie ALERT
12/12 LoriP says "Lets make sure we stay on top of these two as Lancaster is very high kill!
12/12 Barbara reports: "Lancaster NO KILL HOLDS Put on A3144750 and & A4372748. both had due out dates of 12/16, talked to Eddie who didn't quibble about a number or anything else. Gave both Lori P's name and number, 213.200.5158 and for back-up my name and number, 760.536.4349"
12/15 Jenna Mendell in Maine wanted to know if Lady gets along with other dogs.  She phoned and reports: "she is in medical so in a kennel by herself.
12/16 Lorelei pulled Lady today. Michael was arranging to send Lady to Jenna but turns out Lady can't fly due to health issues.  Vet did an ultrasound today and found that Lady has Cushing's Disease and a slightly enlarged heart.
12/20 Chest xray revealed tumors throughout Lady's lungs.  She is struggling to get enough oxygen and the situation is irreversible.  HB had to euth.  :(
American Eskimo - Orange CountyA1141320Orange County
(714) 935-6848
12/1612/1812/27ptslabeled eskie mix. stray
12/22 euth'd today for "behavior" reasons (aggression)
Note that at this moment, when I made this call, the online official listing is STILL UP and still says "waiting for owner to find me" which means this dog was still on Stray Hold when euthanized... was never transferred to adoption status.  This is odd and I'm going to keep this dog on this chart a bit longer.  I would like one of us to do a second call some other time to see if we are given the same information twice.
12/27 I checked again, operator says it was indeed held through the full term for strayhold, but then euth'd for aggression.
East Valley12/1712/1812/20ptslabeled an eskie
not neutered. 6 months old
Facebook entry
12/20 available to adopt. Owner surrender.  Owner described him as an outside dog, friendly with people and dogs and kids.  However, while at the shelter, when being walked through the halls past kennels, he lunged at the other kenneled dogs and barked at them.  He is kenneled in the back by himself right now, he is not up front.
12/22 Listing is down tonight
12/23 Blake's contact Veronica reports: "I was off yesterday, unfortunately Coco was Euthanized yesterday due to Behavior. She was very aggressive and would bite in an instant."
American Eskimo dogA875699
Kern Bakersfield
M-Sat 10-4
Closed Sun
Kern shelter requests that rescues do NOT call. Email ...include animal ID#s and keep the email brief.
4 yrs old
11/28 Barbara writes: "Recorded msg. only so I left my DHS SoCal phone # for a call back and asked for status and as much info as they could give, so far have not had a call back today, now 3:45 pm.
11/29 Kern replied via email:
"A875699 M - here, has a previous bite history
Thanks, Sally"
12/1 Shelter emailed "He is not fixed. He has 3 previous bites listed. We do not have a weight on him."
12/2 Shelter emailed "875699, still in the shelter with no rescue. He does have previous bite history.."
12/3 Kim sent out an eskie alert
12/4 Listing vanished this weekend. I sent email for update -- please do not send a duplicate email
12/6 Kern emailed in response to Kim's Dec.2 email to them "Hi,
 Neiko has no adoption or rescue interest. He has previous bite history. If you are interested we will need a hold asap. He seems to be very territorial and that is the cause of his bites.
Thanks, Sally"
...still Kern has not responded to me about why the listing was removed
12/8 Kim reports that Heart Bandits is taking this doggie to Pete's
12/13 Lori writes "he is still at the shelter but we are going to pull him and put him with Pete for training.  Valerie will be picking him up and transferring him to Pete based on their two schedules.  Not arranged yet.  Afterward he will be listed on both HB sites"
12/18 Listing is down this morning
12/20 I emailed shelter for an update
12/20 Shelter responds: "8575699 was a bite dog that was aggressive. It was humanely euthanized. We did not have any rescue willing to take."
Moreno Valley
14041 Elsworth Street
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
(951) 413-3790
12/212/812/13ptslabeled a pom mix
Haven't heard back from LoriP yet about official breed, but putting this dog on the list anyway because I'm betting Kim would like it tracked because it's small, white, and cute.
3 years old
12/12 Barbara reports:  Stray, available today at 12.30 p.m. Not neutered. About 5.5 lbs. May be blind, is a little bit nervous (!!!).
12/13 Barbara reports: "NOT GOOD, this little mite, blind both eyes (attendant read me all the medical notes re eye exam, too much to write down), has got all signatures needed (vet, etc.) and is on list to be put down and could be at any time. So not possible to even put a call request on him. Moreno Valley is near Riverside, 50 mi NE of LA and 40 mi West of Palm Springs. Dang, wish I was there now.
12/14 Listing is down tonight - need someone to inquire to find out why
12/20 Shelter says was euth due to health problems on Dec14
West LA11/1612/1212/12ptslabeled a chihuahua
LoriP says Jindo-Eski mix
4 pounds, 1 yr old
12/12 Barbara reports "Came in 11/16, stray, avail. since 11/20. Not spayed, no health probs, on ALERT by shelter, so could be PTS any time. (the shelter gives dogs names)
12/13 Barbara has been networking Nieves on facebook "*URGENT* Nieves has been put on ALERT at the shelter, which means she could be PTS any time.
12/14 Ran ad looking for fosterhome
12/16 Listing is down tonight
12/16 Barbara reports Nieves was euth'd today.
5210 West Avenue I
Lancaster, CA 93536
(661) 940-4191
11/2812/212/10ptslabeled a pom mix
1 year 2 mos old, unneutered
12/2 the official petharbor listing has no photo
12/3 Barbara writes "Willy, labeled pom mix, about 10 lbs, is an owner surrender, in shelter since 11/28 but in quarantine because it bit owner, who had adopted it and then "couldn't get near it." Dog was licensed in Lancaster and had had rabies shot. But the owner in fact had to call Animal control to pick it up. When I called first time I was transferred to Castaic shelter and person there told me it would be avail for adoption after quarantine on Dec. 8th. But at Lancaster I spoke to the woman attendant who had talked to the owners and this was what she had learned from them, so she says the shelter may not release the dog for adoption. To be decided later.'
12/6 Barbara reports "Dog is available for adoption. Still in quarantine but has been available since 11/28. Has a review date of Dec 8."
12/10 Barbara reports: Willy was released from quarantine on Dec 8th but is now available for rescue ONLY...On a day-to-day basis ...
12/12 Sheryl reports euth'd on Dec.11 for aggression  :(
Moreno Valley
14041 Elsworth Street
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
(951) 413-3790
11/2812/112/12ptslabeled a longhair chi
but LoriP says more like eskie mixed with sheltie or something
3 years old, unneutered
12/1 Barbara reports "Stray hold. This 5-6 lb. little guy was picked up by Animal Control in Paris, CA. Came in with limp and not weight-bearing on right rear leg. When examined it did not want to extend its right rear leg and was very tense, seemed to be painful but not broken and report says "no treatment needed." Other than that health seems OK. Available Dec 5'
12/8 listing down - need a phone call to find out why
12/12 Sheryl reports: Euth'd on Dec.8 for medical reasons